Academic Profile

Prof. Dr. Benjamin Chan Yin Fah

Dean, Professor
Tun Razak Graduate School (TRGS)

Education Background

  • Doctorate of Philosophy Gerontology, University Putra Malaysia
  • Master of Science in Human Development, University Putra Malaysia
  • Bachelor of Science in Human Development, University Putra Malaysia


Human Development / Gerontology / Research Methodology / Managing Organization / Organisational Psychology / Organisation Behavior / Principle of Management

Selected Publications

  1. Chan, Y.F.B., Jariah Masud, Tengku Aizan Hamid & Laily Paim (2010). Financial Wellbeing of Older Peninsular Malaysians: A Gender Comparison. Asian Social Science. 6 (3), 58-71. ISSN:1911-2025
  2. Chan, Y.F.B., Tengku Aizan Hamid, Jariah Masud, Laily Paim (2010). Predictors of Financial Dependency in Old Age in Peninsular Malaysia: An Ethnicity Comparison. Asian Social Science. 6(6), 54-62. ISSN:1911-2025
  3. Chan, Y.F.B., Laily Paim, Jariah Masud, Tengku Aizan Hamid, (2010). The Future of the Malaysian Older Employees: An Exploratory Study. International Journal of Business and Management 5(4), 125-132. ISSN 1833-8119
  4.  4. Chan, Y.F.B., Yeoh, S.F.,, Lim C.L., Syuhaily, O (2010). An Exploratory Study on Turnover Intention among Private Sector Employees. International Journal of Business and Management 5(8), 57-64. ISSN 1833-8119
  5. Chan, Y.F.B., Tengku-Aizan Hamid, Jariah Masud, Laily Paim. Financial Satisfaction among Older Malaysians in Peninsular Malaysia. International Journal of Social Policy and Society. ISSN: 1823-0865
  6. Chan, Y.F.B., Syuhaily, O (2011). A Survey of Factors That Affect Student’s Grades of Lecturer. International Education Studies. Vol 4(1)., P44-50 ISSN: 1913-9039
  7. Chan, Y.F.B., Osman, S., & Foon, Y.S (2011). Simulation of Sales Promotions towards Buying Behavior among University Students. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 3(3), 78- 88. DOI: 10.5539/ijms.v3n3p78
  8. Chan, Y.F.B and Syuhaily, O (2011). An Exploratory Study of the Relationships between Advertising Appeals, Spending Tendency, Perceived Social Status, and Materialism on Perfume Purchasing Behavior. International Journal of Business and Social Science,Vol. 2(10), 202-208
  9. Chan, Y.F.B (2012). Net Flow and Net Worth among Older Malaysians. Scottish Journal of Arts, Social Sciences and Scientific Studies. Vol 1(2). 26-38. ISSN 2047-1278
  10. Chan, Y.F.B., Aw Yoke-Cheng, Yousefi., D (2013). An Exploratory Of Airline E-Ticket Purchasing Intention Among Foreign Undergraduates In Malaysia. Journal of Human and Social Science Research. Vol. 1, No. 1 (2013), 51-61
  11. Chan, Y.F.B., , Lim, Y.M., Han, K.S (2013). A study on shopping orientation and online purchase intention: a comparison of university students among three races. Journal of Human and Social Science Research. Vol. 1, No. 1 (2013), 51-61
  12. Radmila., S.J, Chan, Y.F.B, Lim, L.C., Han, K.S (2014). A Study an Unpleasant Banking Experiences and Complaint Behavior in Kazakhstan. International Journal of Asian Social Science, 2014, 4(7): 835-843,
  13. Chan, Y.F.B., Yeoh., S.F, Migin., W.M (2016). Counselling Services Utilisation In A Malaysia Private University. International Education Studies. 9(3), 353-61. DOI: 10.5539/ies.v9n3p53
  14. Chan, Y.F.B., Du., Y.Q (2016). Four Frame Leadership Orientations and Job Performance among Beijing Working Adults. International Business Management. 10(16). 3575-3579
  15. Aigerim. B., Chan.Y.F.B, Sueraya. B.M.A., 2018. Retirement Preparedness amongst Working Adults in Kazakhstan. Bulletin of National Academy of Sciences of The Republic of Kazakhstan. Vol 6. PP 51-57. ISSN 1991-3494.
  16. Madina. T., Aigerim. B., Chan, Y.FB., 2018. Female Entrepreneurship in Uzbekistan. Bulletin of National Academy of Sciences of The Republic of Kazakhstan. Vol 6. PP 127-133. ISSN 1991- 3494.
  17. Novieta, IP, Chan. Y.F.B, Lim, Li-Chen, Poon, Wai-Chuen (2020) Go-Jek Company: Go-Jek’s Rise to Dominating Indonesian’s Markets and Southeast ASEAN, TEST Engineering & Management 82 (Jan-Feb 2020), 735-743

Professional Memberships

  • Honorary Secretary of the Gerontological Association of Malaysia
  • Chief Editor, Sumerianz Journal of Economic and Finance
  • Editorial Board, aSIA Journal of Management
  • Standard Development Technical Committee, Standard Malaysia
  • Subject Matter Expert For The Development Of HRD Corp Industrial Skills Framework (Indsf)
  • Research Grant or Consultancy Project
  • The Influence of Culture and Mentality on Retirement Planning, 2017-2018
  • Productivity And Efficiency Modeling Amongst ASEAN-5 Airline Industries,2017-2018
  • A Study on Accreditation and Improvement in Quality Healthcare Services,2017 till2018
  •  Profiling The Financial Investment Decision Making Among Malaysian Adults (39-59) And Older Persons (60+) by Net Worth Approach,2015-2016
  •  Monetary integration in Asean-5 plus 3; using SVAR analysis and artificial intelligence systems, 2013-2015
  •  Economic well-being and human capital investment amongst Female households, 2007 -2010
  •  Social Planning in Family and Community Services), 2007 -2010
  •  Investigating and Assessing the Risk Factors, Mobility, and Behavioural Patterns, and Perception of Needs and Barriers Of Older Road Users in Malaysia, 2007 -2010
  •  Economic and Financial Aspects of Aging, 2001-2003
  •  A Survey of Traffic, consultancy Job from Road safety and Research Centre, 2003-2005
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