Academic Profile

Sudhasini Raman Kutty

Bank Rakyat School of Business, Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship


Hola! I am Sudhasini, a lecturer at BRSBITE, Unirazak. I have been in academia since 2015 and I find teaching to be a wonderful experience. I enjoy interacting with my students and assisting them in their pursuit of higher knowledge. Prior to this I was working in the IT industry mainly in telecommunications and ISP.

I believe in holistic teaching and learning where students not only gain knowledge but they are also confident in their speech and presentation. I enable this by incorporating presentations and class activities. Every student has different strengths and weaknesses, and this is what education should focus on – to polish the strengths and to improve on the weaknesses, so that no one is left behind

My source of inspiration is nature and I love the outdoor. I go for walks and hiking and I also swim. I am avid reader and enjoy books immensely.

Academic Background

Bachelors in Computer Science (Hons) 1990, USM Penang
Masters in Business Information Technology 1999 Middlesex University, London


Information Science, Database, IT Project Management, System Administration and Maintenance, Operating System, Discrete Mathematics, Computer Architecture.

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