Courses @ UNIRAZAK

Spiritual and Moral in Early Childhood Education



Level of Study



This course provides information on Islamic and moral education. The concept of Islamic education such as a state-of-the-art faith, moral and Islamic view is presented to students valuing the subjects relevant in the process of Islamic education in early childhood. Knowledge of moral education as a normative statement, basic concepts of value; A theory and a system of value; and the religious values/belief of the principal religions. Also, how would you like to learn by using the pre-school national curriculum of the syllabus and an appropriate means of caring for Islamic education and morality.

Learning Outcomes

  • Analysing the interests, impression, function, and purpose of teaching Islamic and moral education
  • Comparison and differentiation of elements of religion in the social context of Malaysia and the importance of maintaining good relations between religions
  • Organise a case study related to the practice of religion-based curriculum on students learning behaviours
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