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UNIRAZAK and GZCCC Introduces Mandarin and Chinese Culture Course

September 28, 2022

Cooperation Across Borders

Universiti Tun Abdul Razak (UNIRAZAK) and Guangzhou City Construction College (GZCCC) sat down on 28th September 2021, via online video conferencing, to discuss offering Mandarin and Chinese Culture, and Chinese E-Commerce courses in the Luban Academic Workshop as well as progressing further on the MoU.

UNIRAZAK plans to offer the Mandarin and Chinese Culture course to all staff at UNIRAZAK.

The Luban Academic Workshop is an academic cooperation between UNIRAZAK and GZCCC, a full-time higher vocational college registered with the Ministry of Education of China and an A-level (First-class) construction college. It was set up in UNIRAZAK to provide advanced professional courses for students of UNIRAZAK and other universities, and to explore the opportunities to provide higher vocational education and vocational skills training to the youths of South East Asian countries.


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