Courses @ UNIRAZAK

Assessment in Education



Level of Study



The course is about understanding the history and types of assessment; reliability and validity of a test; formative, summative, norm- and criterion-referenced assessment; domains of learning outcomes; objective, subjective and oral tests, and observation; grading and interpretation of test scores, and standard scores; and assessment of practical, fieldwork, project and portfolio, including the areas of language, mathematics, and career development.

Learning Outcomes

  • Explain history and types of assessment, reliability & validity
  • Design example of formative, summative, norm- and criterion-referenced assessment
  • Demonstrate the process of domains of learning outcomes, construct objective and subjective tests, and compute standard scores are being set
  • Demonstrate assesments practices based on samples of subject or course assesments based on grading and reporting, methods of interpreting test score and types of professional language assessment
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