Courses @ UNIRAZAK

Educational Psychology



Level of Study



Students brings to the classroom with assumption about how, why, and where people learn and what constitutes adequate learning or understanding in various situations. This course is designed to introduce psychological principles, theories, and methodologies to issues of teaching and learning in schools. The goal this course is to enable students to validate their assumptions about the processes and outcomes of learning as explicit as possible. Theories of learning and development, in this course, will be conceptualized as a set of lenses through which to perceive and interpret educational activities, both inside and outside of classroom settings. For each theory, students will be asked what assumptions the theory makes about the roles of learners’ diversity and teachers’ disposition.

Learning Outcomes

  • Compare and contrast behavioural, cognitive, developmental, social cognitive and constructive perspectives of learning
  • Create lesson plans using Instructional Design Model related to theories of learning and educational psychology
  • Integrate motivational theories into teaching and learning session/s
  • Present case studies on successful educational psychology methods or approaches that have been proven to be successful in changing the behavior of learners
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