Courses @ UNIRAZAK

Financial Cybercrime



Level of Study



The course introduces to students the importance of Cybercrime in helping organizations define and achieve long-term and short-term Cybercrime prevention goals. It explains and reinforces the concept that Cybercrime and it is not a one-time event, but an ongoing process of planning, facilitating, assessing and improving the prevention mechanisms at individual and organizational levels. Attention will be given to the performance measurement in all prevention techniques of Cyber Crime. This course takes into consideration preventing Cybercrime the relationship between cognition, and behaviour and the result of the various Cybercrime prevention tools and techniques.

Learning Outcomes

  • Discuss the importance of Financial Cybercrime and detail how organisational strategies are translated into the prevention of cybercrimes
  • Analyse various approaches in dealing with Financial Cyber Crime
  • Identify Financial Cybercrime by linking initiatives based on the performance of individuals
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