Courses @ UNIRAZAK

Financial Markets and Structure



Level of Study

Bachelor Degree


The so-called "Disruptive Technology" opens a new array of challenges and opportunities to the traditional setting of financial markets and structures. The technology bring forth innovations beyond what is thougt to be possible a few years ago. It imperative for the key payers within the financial industry to understand the technology and upping their game to keep up with competitors. The course is designed to provide insight into traditional set up of the financial markets and structures and how it changes with the introduction of Robotic Process Automation, Marketplace Lending, Big Data, Cryptocurrencies and Block Chain Technology.

Learning Outcomes

  • Evaluation of the main components and key players within the financial markets.
  • Assess Robotic Process Automation and Marketplace Lending significance to the financial markets and its’ structure.
  • Demonstrate Big Data, Cryptocurrencies and Block-Chain prominence to financial markets and structure.
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