Courses @ UNIRAZAK

International Economics



Level of Study

Bachelor Degree


This course will help students to identify and understand key or critical international economic issues and current developments and how these affect the economic policies and strategies of countries, for both the developed and the developing countries like Malaysia. Students will learn to interpret and analyse these issues and developments through class lecture, group discussions and individual research. Students will also learn to develop their respective confidence in discussing these issues and developments with their classmates and even outside parties. The course topics cover international trade, preferential trade agreements, exchange rates, globalisation, multinational corporations, international financial institutions, and relevant topics which are current and very influential.

Learning Outcomes

  • Describe the roles and functions of key national and international financial institutions.
  • Describe key or critical international economic issues and current developments affecting the global economy as well as the domestic economy.
  • Analyse key economic issues and developments and their impacton developed and developing countries.
  • Discuss relevant strategies in addressing key international economic issues.
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