Courses @ UNIRAZAK

International Trade and Policy



Level of Study

Bachelor Degree


This course will help students to understand the theoretical underpinning of free trade, the rationale for preferential trade arrangements, government’s policies for trade barriers, and the role of the MNCs, globalisation and the WTO, in promoting world free trade. Students will learn to interpret and analyse these issues and current developments through class lecture, group discussions and individual research. Students will also learn to develop their respective confidence in discussing these issues and developments with their classmates and even outside parties. The course topics cover International Trade Theory and Gains from Trade, Trade Protection (Barriers) to International Trade, Preferential Trade Policies, Globalisation and Roles of MNCs, WTO and Trade Policy, Trade Policies of Developing Countries and Case study.

Learning Outcomes

  • Describe the classical theory of international trade and key international trade policies and developments and how they affect global trade as well as the national trade policies.
  • Discuss the benefits and impacts of globalisation and MNCs, and how these issues affect trade policies globally as well as national policies.
  • Explain the roles and functions of key international financial institutions, such as the WTO and their actions and policies affect the Malaysian government policies concerning international trade.
  • Adhere major international trade policies and developments and how they affect Malaysian domestic policies, as well as policies of developed and developing nations globally.
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