Courses @ UNIRAZAK

Introduction to Econometrics



Level of Study

Bachelor Degree


The purpose of this course is to provide the student with a thorough introduction to econometrics, which is the basis of econometric model building and forecasting. This course is applications oriented and covers the methodology of econometric research, namely the econometric model-building process. This includes the properties of an econometric model, correlation and regression analysis, statistical tests for the significance of estimates, econometric problems and second orders tests namely heteroscedasticity, autocorrelation and multicollinearity.

Learning Outcomes

  • Explain the uses and limitations of the classical linear regression model.
  • Demonstrate appropriate econometric techniques to study a range of economic issues, focusing on interpreting regression results and evaluating the empirical econometric models used.
  • Construct appropriate econometric models to economic data – using appropriate econometric software.
  • Demonstrate effective communication in disscussing appropriate econometric diagnostic tests to detect potential bias in the model used.
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