Courses @ UNIRAZAK

Social Entrepreneurship



Level of Study



This course will familiarize the student with a variety of alternative theories on what causes (or hinders) economic development. Different strategies and outcomes from a variety of settings will be presented and discussed. The goal of the course is to develop the student’s understanding of national and international level issues related to economic development and the language used by economists to discuss these issues. Special attention will be given to the following questions: how do we explain economic growth?; how do we measure and understand poverty and poverty dynamics? What are the environmental implications of economic development?; and how are urban/ industrial needs balanced against rural / agricultural needs in development?

Learning Outcomes

  • Explain what indicators of economic growth and development are and their problems and limitations.
  • Identify a range of contrasting interpretations of what ‘development’ means and how it is measured.
  • Critically discuss some of the major theories of development of the late 20th century and identify the policies, strategies, motives, and outcomes associated with each.
  • Identify and describe mechanisms through which diverse actors (states, markets, and civil society) shape socio-economic development processes.
  • Demonstrate critical awareness of the development issues and constraints facing people in different places and social contexts in developing countries.
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