Courses @ UNIRAZAK

The Psychology of Communication



Level of Study

Bachelor Degree


Psychology can help you become a better communicator. Studying subjects such as emotion, language, and body language can help you fine tune your interpersonal communication skills. By learning more about these things, you can gain a greater understanding of other people and what they are trying to say. Thus, it can be speaking of a psychology of verbal communication, nonverbal and written communication about managerial and organizational psychology, about the psychology of mass communication in groups. The Psychology of communication (managerial, organizational, mass, group, verbal, nonverbal etc.) is a reality that must be taken into account in all areas of life. Especially because interpersonal relations are relations of influence and people influence others by personality, behavior, attitudes, skills and experiences, through persuasion or manipulation. This course exposes students on the aspects of psychology which is often neglected, which mediates effective communication.

Learning Outcomes

  • Identify benefits of communication, types of human personality and human communication process
  • Discuss the psychological theories in communication, application of cognitive psychology in mass communication and Psychology of personality, gender and cross cultural
  • Explain the Social psychology and positive psychology in communication and Social psychology and positive psychology in communication with relevant actual examples as case presentations
  • Verify the process of Influence of social perception on communication and how it is effective in the application of Psychology in communication for marketing and business environment
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