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UR Success Story – Best Student Award (TARSOG)

April 20, 2021

Muhammad Farhan Zikry Zakariah

Muhammad Farhan Zikry Zakariah was named the Best Student for Tun Razak School of Governance. This 23-year-old graduated in 2020 and went through an internship in the midst of the pandemic and let us know how UNIRAZAK has helped him throughout the period.

UR: How does it feel to receive the Best Student Award? 

FZ: Honestly, it feels quite validating. Sometimes it can be hard for others to acknowledge the amount of work you’ve put in behind the scenes when nobody is looking so to receive this award, it doesn’t only show me that all the efforts that I have put in, has paid off. The sense of accomplishment can do wonders for you.

UR: It has been a year since the pandemic hit us, can you share some of the challenges you went through in the new normal. 

FZ: I was fortunate to be able to complete my classes at UNIRAZAK in January 2020 before joining a Student Exchange Programmed in Scotland, so I didn’t really experience them myself.

However, it was good to know from my Razakian friends that despite most of them finding it hard at the beginning but together with the lecturers, they worked it out and adapted to the situation quickly.

For me, my internship experience during the pandemic was quite a stressful one as I had to work from home. This added a lot of pressure on me to enter working life completely alone.

I wouldn’t say I found a way to overcome the challenges I faced, other than just pushing myself to do the best that I could, given the situation. The internship was the nal hurdle in my journey and I focused on the nish line throughout the period.

UNIRAZAK checked up on me from time to time to see how I was keeping up with my internship and that helped me to stay on track with what I needed to do. Other than your family and friends, it is nice to have your university’s student advisors as your support system.

UR: What was your favourite part about studying at UNIRAZAK? 

FZ: My favourite part of UNIRAZAK definitely has to be the laid back and relaxed environment.

It has become a safe space for me and my friends to not only receive our education but also enjoy our time there as we create memories together.

If I could count my friends as a part of UNIRAZAK then it would definitely be them with a special mention to Sabrina for being there through my degree and helping me throughout.

UR: Which instructor(s) influenced you most? 

FZ: I look up to Madam Jennie. As the Dean of Tun Razak School of Governance, she guided me every step of the way during my studies and it definitely helped me a lot.

Whenever I started to get overwhelmed and felt the need to give up on a subject, Madam Jennie would talk to me through it all.

I believe that every educator cares for their students and Madam Jennie is one of the best examples to prove that.

UR: What is one piece of advice you would give to new students? 

FZ: Definitely, one hundred percent, take the time to focus on yourself and make sure you know what your purpose is in UNIRAZAK.

Sometimes we can be swayed away by external factors such as friends and the environment we’re in, so it’s important to know what our goal is and stick to it.

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