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UR Success Story - CEO’s Award

April 20, 2021

Muhammad Hisham Bin Ismail

Muhammad Hisham Ismail is one of UNIRAZAK’s students who are also a working adult.

Having put off his pursuit for education after a while due to time constraint and work commitment, it was finally possible for him to continue his tertiary education with the Lifelong Learning campaign at UNIRAZAK.

Muhammad Hisham is not only a Graduate School of Business graduate with a 3.91 CGPA for Master in Management but is also the receiver of the CEO’s Award.

UR: How does it feel to receive the CEO’s Award? 

MH: I could not believe it when I found out I was given the honour to receive this award.

I am deeply grateful to Allah for such a blessing and feeling thankful to all my lecturers and UNIRAZAK for making it possible for me to attain a master’s degree.

I also want to give credit to my family and friends for their relentless support.

UR: It has been a year since the pandemic hit us. How did UNIRAZAK help with the completion of your studies in the new normal? 

MH: I think online classes are the way to go now.

UNIRAZAK has long pioneered the Online Distance Learning concept and with an unexpected turn of event due to COVID, UNIRAZAK’s online classes were managed quite well especially with the existing Learning Management System; UROX.

It helped us as students to cope with the circumstances and still be able to complete our studies on time.

UR: What was your favourite part about studying at UNIRAZAK? 

MH: The dedicated lecturers here at UNIRAZAK are nothing less than inspiring.

Online teaching must not have been easy for them but without their perseverance, none of us would have been able to graduate in time.

Which instructor(s) influenced you most? 

MH: Dr Dewi was the instructor that I felt has instilled some applicable life lessons in me through her approach to teaching and unique assignments.

She definitely was one of my inspirations to make me complete my studies.

UR: What is one piece of advice you would give to new students? 

MH: Perseverance and dedication are crucial for you to have. No one is forcing you to be here and to study but at the end of every hard time, there is a silver lining. Set your goal and set yourself to attain the goal!

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