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UR Success Story (Vice-Chancellor's Award)

March 3, 2021
YouTube Video
Mahendrarajah A/L Selvaraja

Looking to enhance his career, he decided to pursue an MBA under the coveted UEM Young Leaders Scholarship programme, which is a collaborative effort between UEM and UNIRAZAK, designed to develop and hone the talents of young Malaysian industry leaders.

Mahend graduated from UNIRAZAK with a CGPA of 3.95 and was the recipient of the prestigious Vice-Chancellor’s Award. He is now a CEO of a Malaysian logistics and shared services company.

UR: How does it feel to receive the Vice-Chancellor’s Award? 

MS: I still remember the day I received the news. I was at the office at the time and I was really flabbergasted when the caller told me that I was chosen for the Vice-chancellor’s award.

I’ve always been grateful to UEM and UNIRAZAK for providing me with the scholarship that helped me complete my studies and to receive this award, it has just made my journey at UNIRAZAK even sweeter.

UR: It has been a year since the pandemic hit us, can you share some of the challenges you went through in the new normal. 

MS: I was pretty lucky that I was able to complete my studies just right before the lockdown.

I escaped the entire online learning. Nevertheless, from my own experience, even before the pandemic reached the world, the professors at UNIRAZAK have already started using an online system for our classes.

I was able to download learning materials at the office to read during my lunch break and able to submit my assignments from the comfort of my own home.

It’s safe to say that UNIRAZAK has already figured out the online learning method and ready to assist students complete their studies during challenging times like this..

UR: What was your favourite part about studying at UNIRAZAK? 

MS: I have about 8 Professors who taught me in UNIRAZAK. out of which the greatest impact who had made me who I am today is Prof. Dr Rizal. He really pushed me to be better.

Then I would like to also thank Dr Roland, he is an entrepreneur professor. He said, “Don’t just simply do business but make sure that the business you do is ‘x’ value. Make sure that it is sustainable”.

These are highly impactful but the rest are also equally good.

UR: What is one piece of advice you would give to new students? 

MS: Razakians should always focus on the fundamental thing when it comes to studying, which is teamwork.

Each of us knows only very little about everything, and the only way for us to figure things out is to work on it together.

So work on your group projects, join a club, share your knowledge and figure things out together. By doing that, the world will become a better place.

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