Academic Profile

Assoc. Prof. Dr Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd Isa

Associate Professor
Tun Razak Graduate School (TRGS)


I am driven and passionate about my work. I try to have a steady source of motivation that drives me to thrive on challenges and constantly set goals so that I have something to strive toward. I’m not comfortable with settling, and unhurriedness, and I’m always looking for an opportunity to achieve greatness.

Academic Background

Bachelor of Business (Quantitative Analysis) Ohio University
Master of Business (Management) University of Wisconsin
Doctorate in Business, Multimedia University


  1. Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd Isa (2011) Loan loss provisioning methodology of non-performing loans of commercial banks in Malaysia, 2nd International Conference on Business Research, (2nd ICBER, 2011), 14-16 March 2011, Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia
  2. Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd Isa (2011) Econometric modeling of commercial banks’ loss provisioning methodology on non-performing loans during financial and economic crisis, Journal of Business Review, Cambridge vol. 19, no.1, December, 2011, ISSN 1553-5827 (pg. 265-270) The Global Business, Economic & Finance Research Conference, 14-17 July, 2011 London, United Kingdom
  3. Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd Isa (2012) One-way and two ways Random Effects Model in Provisioning for Losses on Loans of Commercial Banks, Journal of Business Review, Cambridge vol. 19, number 2, Summer 2012, ISSN 1553-5827 (pg. 224-229) The Global Management, Finance, Information Technology Research Conference, 24 May, 2012, New York, USA
  4. Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd Isa, Dr. Yap Voon Choong & Assoc. Prof. Dr. David Yong Gun Fie (2012) Loan loss provisioning practices Journal of Modern Accounting & Auditing, ISSN 1548-6583, June 2013, vol., 9, no.6., (pg. 814-822) World Finance Conference (Asian Banking) 17-18, December 2012, Shanghai, China. Also, as Discussant
  5. Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd Isa (2013)Monetary policy, loss provisioning for impairment of financing and advances: An Islamic banking & finance perspective Review of Strategic & International Studies, 5(3), 69-76 ISIS Conference, 19-20 Oct. 2013, San Antonio, Texas, USA
  6. Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd Isa, Dr. Yap Voon Choong, Assoc. Prof. Dr. David Yong Gun Fie, Assist. Prof. Dr. Zulkifflee Mohamed, FCPA (Australia), Prof. Dr. Syed Omar Syed Agil (2014) Asian Banking implications from Crisis: Malaysian Commercial Banks’ Income smoothing Behaviour through Loan Loss Provisions Journal of Business & Economics, 2014, 4(10), (pg.1038-1050)
  7. Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd Isa (2014) Islamic Banks Impaired Financing: Relationship Between Shariah Committee Meetings Frequency and Shariah Risks Compliance on Assets Quality Journal of Statistical Science and Application, 2014, 2, 47-54 World Finance Conference, 2-4 July 2014 Venice, Italy. Also, as Discussant
  8. Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd Isa (2014) Basel III Accord: Different Bank Characteristics (Insolvency Risk) Due to Unobserved Heterogeneity Effects Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, May 2014, 8(7), 377-385 World Finance Conference, 2-4 July 2014 Venice Italy. Also, as Discussant
  9. Md Izzat Shahmi Abd Hadi, Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd Isa, Zulkiflee Mohammed, Yap Voon Choong & Yong Gun Fie (2014) Islamic Finance in the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP): Key Challenges. International Journal of Economy Management and Social Sciences, vol. 3, no. 12 December 2014, 827-829 Islamic Accounting, Banking and Finance Conference 21-22 September 2014 University Science Islam Malaysia, Nilai, Malaysia
  10. Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd Isa & Md. Zabid Haji Abdul Rashid (2014) Shadow banking credit intermediation: Default risks in securitization and collateralization Journal of Modern Accounting & Auditing volume 10 (11), November 2014 World Banking Symposium 2014 12-13 December 2014 Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Also, as Discussant
  11. Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd Isa & Md. Zabid Haji Abdul Rashid (2015) Islamic deposits, Investment account in loss provisioning in post-classification of Islamic Financial Services Act 2013, Expert Journal of Finance, volume 2, 2015
  12. Zulkifflee Mohamed, Garry James Clayton & Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd Isa (2015) Embedding Economic Excellence: A Transformational Definition of Corporate Governance for Malaysia Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing, February 2015, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 124-129
  13. Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd Isa, Yap Voon Choong, David Yong Gun Fie & Md. Zabid Haji Abdul Rashid (2015) Loan Loss Reserves (LLR), Expected Loss (EL), and Value at Risks (VaR) Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing, April 2015, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 218-222
  14. Azmal Mukhsin Abdul Mutalib & Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd Isa (2016) Potential of Creating Cash Waqf for Public in Multi-religious Society or Country Asian Journal of Business and Management Vol. 04 - Issue 01, February 2016, pp. 21-26 International Conference on Wakaf, Trust and Endowment 2015, 28 September - 1 October Moscow, Russian Federation (Also, as a Conference Manager and Moderator)
  15. Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd Isa, Yap Voon Choong, David Yong Gun Fie & Md. Zabid Haji Abdul Rashid (2016) Financial Vulnerability, Capital Flow Reversals, and Divergence Macro-Prudential Policies Posing Challenges to  the Asean Banking Integration Framework (ABIF), Journal of Modern Accounting & Auditing, 12(5) May 2016, 250-267
  16. Zaifirol Shaharudin, Mohd Naili Ahmad Basri & Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd Isa (2016) Factors Influencing Payments Behavior among Customers of Islamic Retail Financing Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance, December 2016, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 1-9
  17. Dasmin Bin Hashim, Fauzi Bin Pin & Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd Isa (2017) Factors Influencing Savings Rate in Malaysia International Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol. 9, No. 6, January 2017 pp. 52- 56
  18. Stanley Yap Gui Kang, M.S.B. Siddiq & Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd Isa (2017) Resource Capabilities of Virtual Learning System and its Adoption Behavior among University Students Asia Pacific Journal of Research in Business Management, Vol. 8, Issue 1, January 2017, pp. 34-53
  19. Grace Chok Yee Swan, Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd Isa & M.S.B. Siddiq (2017) The External Environment and its Effects on Strategic Marketing Planning: A Case of Starbucks Malaysia International Journal of Marketing and Management Research, Vol. 8, Issue 1, January 2017, pp. 36-51
  20. Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd Isa & Zulkifflee Bin Mohamed (2017)Unit Roots and Co-Integration Test: The Effects of Consumer Price Index (CPI) on Non-Performing Loans (NPL) in the Banking Sector in Malaysia Journal of Advanced Statistics, Vol. 2, No. 1, March 2017, pp. 16-25
  21. Omaima Eltahir Babikir Mohamed & Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd Isa (2017)The Application of Rule 78 in Vehicle Financing by Islamic Banks in Malaysia Kuwait Chapter of Arabian Journal of Business & Management Review, Vol. 6, Issue 9, 2017, pp. 20-31
  22. Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd Isa & Md. Zabid Haji Abdul Rashid (2017) Time Series Analysis of Equity-based Financing, Deposit and Investment Accounts: Evidence of Islamic Banks in Malaysia, Kuwait Chapter of Arabian Journal of Business & Management Review, 6(6), Feb 2017, 54-70 4th Global Waqf Conference 2016 19-20th Sept 2016, Swansea University Wales, United Kingdom Also, as a Conference Manager and Moderator
  23. Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd Isa, Yap Voon Choong, David Yong Gun Fie & Md. Zabid Haji Abdul Rashid (2018) Determinants of loan loss provisions of commercial banks in Malaysia (Scopus, Emerald) Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting Vol. 16 No. 1, 2018, pp. 24-48
  24. Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd Isa & Md. Zabid Haji Abdul Rashid (2018) Islamic banks’ regulatory capital funds and risk sharing behavior in distressed financial conditions: An empirical analysis (Scopus, Emerald) Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting Vol. 16 No. 1, 2018, pp. 197-216 International Conference on Wakaf, Trust and Endowment 2015, 28 September-1 October, Moscow, Russian Federation (Also, as a Conference Manager and Moderator)
  25. Siti Nur Sathirah Fasha Johanis, Omima Eltahir Babikir Mohamed, Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd Isa & Zulkifflee  Mohamed (2018) The Development of Waqf via Sukuk Financing: the case of SRI Sukuk by Khazanah Nasional Berhad International Journal of Business, Economics and Laws, Vol. 15 Issue 5 April 2018
  26. Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd Isa (2018) Adoption of IFRS 9 Improves Reporting, PATH BULLETIN, PATH ISLAMIC SOLUTION Issue 39, March 2018 pp.6-7
  27. Sulaiman Suhaila, Mohamed Basharudin, Che Wail Abdul Hadi, Mohamed Shahadan Salleh, Yusoff Khairul Nizan &  Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd Isa (2018) Mental health awareness of Child Abuse and Neglect (CAN): the case among parents in Malaysia Journal of Health and Medical Science, vol. 1 no. 1, 2018 pp. 14-20
  28. Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd Isa, Hannan Azzahra & Zulkiffllee Mohamed (2019) Islamic Mutual Funds Promotional Activities; Normal Approximation of Binomial Distribution and Type I Error AI-Iqtishad Journal of Islamic Economics, State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, vol. 11(1),
  29. Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd Isa (2020) Waqf for wealth creation in Tawhidic society. Islamic Finance News, Volume 17 Issue 19, 13th May 2020
  30. Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd Isa & Zulkifflee Bin Mohamed (2020) Insaniah (humanistic) economics of waqf: From IR4.0 to a human-centered tawhidic society 5.0 the European Journal of Islamic Finance, no.15, 2020
  31. Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd Isa, Gazi Md. Nurul Islam, and Zulkifflee Mohamed (2020) Financing services sector: effectiveness of operational coordination and process control, evidence from Malaysia GLOBAL BUSINESS & FINANCE REVIEW(Scopus-indexed), Volume. 25 Issue. 4 (WINTER 2020), 12-24
  32. Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd Isa, Wan Nora Binti Wan Arifin & Zulkifflee Mohamed (2021) Financial literacy and public awareness of the emerging threat of cybercrime The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business vol. 12 (12), 1-10 published by Korea Science & Paichai University, Korea.
  33. Mellisa Daukin, Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd Isa & Zulkifflee Mohamed. (2022) The Prevalence of Retirement Planning Among Women in Malaysia - A Conceptual Framework Journal of  Well-being Management and Applied Psychology, Korea, vol. 5 (1),1-9 published by Korea Science
  34. Mahalakshimi Suppiah, Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd Isa & Zulkifflee Mohamed (2022) Efficient computation of Islamic yield and forward rates in sukuk market of Malaysia (2022). Journal of Contemporary Business and Islamic Finance, Pakistan.vol. 2 (2) 126-134
  35. Julia Mustaffa, Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd Isa & Zulkiflee Mohamed (2022) Governance Structures: Dependability and Efficiency of the Waqf Institutional System in Malaysia. Journal of Economics and Business Aseanomics, Universitas Yarsi, Indonesia  vol.7 (2),58-70
  36. Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd Isa & Mellisa Daukin (2022) The Influence of Present Health Status on Retirement Planning (December, 2022). Global Business and Finance Review (GBFR) Scopus-indexed, 27 (8),81-88
  37. Mohd Yaziz bin Mohd Isa & Mellisa Daukin (2023). The Influence of Retirement Goal and Attitude to Risk of Women in Retirement Planning, Cogent Business & Finance, Taylor & Francis Scopus-indexed, vol. 11, issue 1, 1-17
  38. Mohd Yaziz bin Mohd Isa, Mohd Fadzil bin Mohd Yasir & Zulkifflee Mohamed (2023) Book Chapter - Digital Transformation: Digital Skills Acceptance and Readiness for Contactless Transactions among Graduates of HEIs, Book titlle- Higher Education and Digital Learning in the Disruptive Era - by the Malaysia Ministry of Higher Education, National Higher Education Research Institute (IPPTN) & Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Press. November, 2023.

Professional Membership

  1. Beta Gamma Sigma, Ohio University Chapter (since 1985)
  2. Associate, Asian Institute of Chartered Bankers (AICB) (since 2002)
  3. Associate Editor, the Global Business & Finance Review (GBFR) Kyee Hung University South Korea. SCOPUS-indexed South Korea, since March 2020
  4. Journal of Advanced Statistics Kowloon, Hongkong Since 7 April 2016


Financial Economics, Quantitative Analysis, Accounting, Islamic Finance, Banking, Waqf

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