Academic Profile

Professor Dr. Gazi Md Nurul Islam

Tun Razak Graduate School (TRGS)

Academic Background

  • Ph.D. in Economics (Natural Resource Economics), University Putra Malaysia, 2006
  • Master of Social Science (Development Economics), Dhaka University Bangladesh,1985
  • Bachelor of Social Science (Hon’s in Economics), Dhaka University Bangladesh, 1983


  • Islam, G.M.N. (2020). Financing services sector: effectiveness of operational coordination and process control, evidence from Malaysia. Global Business & Finance Review (SCOPUS), 2020.
  • Islam, G.M.N. (2018). Household empowerment as the key to eradicate poverty incidence. Asian Social Work and Policy Review (SCOPUS), 2018.
  • Abrar ul haq, M., Jali, M.R.M. & Islam, G.M.N. (2018). The Development of Household Empowerment Index among Rural Household of Pakistan. Pertanika J. Soc. Sci. & Hum. (In Press), 2018.
  • Abrar ul haq, M., Jali, M.R.M. & Islam, G.M.N. (2018). Assessment of the role of household empowerment in alleviating participatory poverty among rural household of Pakistan. Quality & Quantity,, 2018.
  • Islam, G.M.N., Tai, S.Y., Kusairi, M.N., Ahmad S., Aswani, F.M.N., Muhamad Senan, M.K.A., Ahmad, A. (2017). Community perspectives of governance for effective management of marine Page 3 of 16 protected areas in Malaysia. Ocean and Coastal Management, 135, pp. 34-42, DOI information: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2016.11.001 (ISI/SCOPUS), 2017.
  • Haq, A.U., Jali, M.R.M., Islam, G.M.N. (2017) Decision-Making Ability as a Source of Empowerment Among Rural Women of Pakistan, Global Social Welfare, vol. 4, DOI: 10.1007/s40609-017-0091-7, ISSN 2196-8799 (ISI/SCOPUS), 2017.
  • Ghee, Thean, L., Islam, G.M.N. and Ismail, M.M. (2017) Malaysian white shrimp (P. vannamei) aquaculture: an application of stochastic frontier analysis on technical efficiency. International Food Research Journal, 24(2): 680-687, ISSN: 2231-7546, Journal homepage: (ISI/SCOPUS), 2017.
  • Islam, G. M. N., Tai, S. Y., & Kusairi, M. N. (2016). A stochastic frontier analysis of technical efficiency of fish cage culture in Peninsular Malaysia. Springer Plus, 5(1), 1127. 10.1186/s40064- 016-2775-3 pp1-11 (ISI/SCOPUS), 2016.
  • Islam, G. M. N., Jamal Ali, Saifoul Zamhuri, K. Kuperan Viswanathan, and Hussin Abdullah (2016) Impact of subsidies on the economic and environmental conditions of small scale fisheries in Malaysia, International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, Special Issue for “International Soft Science Conference (ISSC 2016), Vol 6, No 7S, pp12-15 ISSN: 2146-4138 (ISI/SCOPUS), 2016.
  • Haq, A.U., Jali, M.R.M., Islam, M.N. (2016) Empowering rural women in Pakistan: empirical evidence from Southern Punjab, Quality & Quantity, International Journal of Methodology, ISSN 0033-5177, DOI 10.1007/s11135-016-0365-7 (ISI/SCOPUS), 2016.
  • Haq, A.U., Jali, M.R.M., Islam, M.N. (2015) Factors Affecting Small and Medium Enterprises (SMES) Development in Pakistan, American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci., 15 (4): 546- 552, ISSN 1818-6769, 2015.
  • Islam, M.N, Kusairi M.N., Shaufique F.S., Aswani F.M.N., Ahmad A. (2014). Economic Impacts of Artificial Reefs on Small-Scale Fishers in Peninsular Malaysia, Human Ecology, Springer Science New York, Volume 42 (6), pp 989-998, 2014.
  • Islam, M.N., Tai S.Y., Viswanathan, K.K. (2014). Poverty and livelihood impacts of community based fisheries management in Bangladesh by Islam et al. Ocean & Coastal Management, 96, pp123-129, 2014.
  • Islam, M.N., Kusairi M.N., Shaufique F.S., Aswani F.M.N. (2014) Economic Impact of Artificial Reefs: A case Study of Small Scale Fishers in Terengganu, Peninsular Malaysia, Fisheries Research, 151, pp 122-129, 2014.
  • Islam, M.N., Tai S.Y., Kusairi Mohd.Noh (2014) Technical Efficiency Analysis of Shrimp Farming in Peninsular Malaysia: a Stochastic Frontier Production Function Approach, Trends in Applied Sciences Research, 9 (2): 103-112, ISSN 1819-3579 / DOI: 10.3923/tasr.2013, Academic Journals Inc, 2014.
  • Islam, M.N., Kusairi Mohd. Noh., Tai S.Y., Aswani F.M.N. (2013) Assessing Environmental Damage to Marine Protected Area: a case of Perhentian Marine Park in Malaysia, Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 5, No. 8, ISSN 1916-9752, E-ISSN 1916-9760, 2013.
  • Anwarul, H., Fatimah M.A., Islam, M.N. (2013) Supply response of wheat in Bangladesh: Cointegration and vector error correction analysis, African Journal of Agricultural Research, vol. 8 (44), pp. 5440-5446, 2013.
  • Islam, M.N., Tai S.Y. (2013). Property Rights and Access: the Case of Community Based Fisheries Management in Bangladesh, Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 5, No. 6, ISSN 1916-9752, EISSN 1916-9760, 2013.
  • Islam, M.N., Tai SY, Abdullah NM, Viswanathan, K. (2011). Social capital, community based fisheries, and fishers’ livelihood in Bangladesh, Ocean & Coastal Management 54 (2) pp. 173- 180, 2011.
  • Islam, M.M., Kusairi Mohd. Noh, Tai Shzee Yew (2011) Measuring productivity in fishery sector of Peninsular Malaysia, Fisheries Research, 108 (1) pp. 52–57, 2011.
  • Islam, M.N., Tai SY, Abdullah NM, Kusairi MN (2010). Household Expenditure on Food Away from Home by Type of Meal in Malaysia, Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 18(2): pp.285-294, 2010.

Professional Memberships

  • Member, Malaysian Society for Higher Education Policy & Research Development (PenDaPaT), a non-government organization in Malaysia, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
  • Member, International Association for the Study of Commons, Bloomington, Indiana, U.S.A.
  • Member, The International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade, Oregon University, U.S.A.
  • Member, Asian Fisheries Society (AFS), Universiti Putra Malaysia.
  • Life Member, Bangladesh Economic Association, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • Member, Steering Committee, Vulnerability to Viability (V2V): Global Partnership for Building Strong Small-Scale Fisheries Communities.


V2V Global Partnership Building Strong Small-Scale Fisheries Communities, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, University of Waterloo, Canada, 2021-2027.
Establishing a Coral Reef Ecosystem-Based Sustainability Model for Local Communities in selected Southeast Asian countries, 2021-2025, The Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA), IDRC, Manila, Philippines
A Simulation Approach: The Implications of Phasing Out Bottom Trawling in Zone B in Tun Mustapha Park, Sabah, Malaysia, World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Malaysia, 2018-2019.
Social-Ecological Regime Shifts (SERS) and Governance in Coastal-Marine Systems, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Insight Development Grants, University of Waterloo, Canada, 2016-2019.
Evaluation of the socio-economic and environmental impacts of fisheries subsidies in Malaysia, World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Malaysia, 2013.
Assessing the Socio-Economic Impacts of Artificial Reefs on Livelihoods of Fishers in Malaysia, Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA), IDRC, Manila, Philippines, 2011-2012.
Impact of Producing Malaysia – GAP Certified Tomatoes on Farming Practices in Malaysia, Food and Agricultural Organization, FAO Regional office, Bangkok, Thailand, 2007.
Exploring a Set of Economic and Social Indicators for Malaysia: Towards Achieving the Goals of the New Economic Model, Science Fund MOSTI, 2015-2018.
Reviewing and documenting the functions of the No-Take Zone in Malaysia, March – December, Research Project RMK 11 Department of Marine Park Malaysia, 2017-2018.
Assessing the Roles and Impacts of Artificial Reefs and Marine for the Management of Marine Resources in Peninsular Malaysia, Science Fund MOSTI, 2015-2017.
Marketing of Shark in Coastal fisheries of Malaysia, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC), 2015-2016.
Modeling of Fisheries Subsidies in Malaysia: Towards Sustainability in Fisheries. FRGS, Universiti Utara Malaysia, 2014-2016.
The Impact of Artificial Reefs on the Income of Traditional Fishers in Kedah State, Malaysia, Department of Fisheries, Kedah State, Malaysia, 2014-2016.
Effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas as a Management Tool in Malaysia, ERGS, Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia, 2012-2014.
The Impact of Economic and Social assets on Livelihood of Small-scale Fishers in Peninsular Malaysia. Research University Grants, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 2012-2014.
A Bio-Economic Model Approach: Measuring the Exploitation of the Peninsular Malaysia East Coast Pelagic Fishery, ERGS, Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia, 2012-2013.
The Impact of Economic and Social assets on Livelihood of Small-scale Fishers in Langkawi, Peninsular Malaysia Research University Grants, 2012-2014, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 2012-2014.
Measuring Efficiency of Fish Seed Production in Peninsular Malaysia, Research University Grant, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 2010-2012.
Measuring Economic Impacts of Marine Protected Areas in Malaysia, Research University Grant, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 2009-2011.
Assessing Capacity in Malaysian Fisheries, Research University Grant, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 2011-2012.
Economic Analysis of Aquaculture Technologies in Malaysia, Research University Grant, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 2011-2012.
Malaysian Agricultural Policy Analysis (MAgPA), Evaluation and Planning Unit, Government of Malaysia, 2011-2012.
Community Based Fisheries Management in the Inland fisheries of Bangladesh, Phase I & Phase II, sponsored by Ford Foundation and Department for International Development (DFID – UK), 1996-2006.
Flood control Drainage and Irrigation Project in Bangladesh through a consortium of donors, WB, EU, JICA, ADB, 1991-1993.
Resource Mobilization and capacity development in rural areas of Bangladesh funded by World Bank, 1992.
Impact of Rural Employment Sector Programme in selected areas of Bangladesh, supported by SIDA & NORAD, 1992-1995.

Editorial Board Member

Associate Editor: Journal of Business and Economics
Member: Asian Fisheries Science (Scopus Indexed journal)

Journal Reviewer

Reviewed journal articles for several SCOPUS and ISI journals


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